These scholarships are for eligible workforce continuing education students who are pursuing 96-hour, high-demand workforce training programs leading to a state- or industry-recognized credential.
First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Middle Initial
Date of Birth (required)
Gender (required) FemaleMale
Email (required)
Phone (required)
Street Address (required)
City (required)
State (required)
Zip Code (required)
NC County of Residence (required)
Length of residence in county (required) Less than a yearLess than 5 years5 to 10 yearsMore than 10 years
You must be enrolled or plan to enroll in a Workforce Continuing Education credentialing program of at least 96 hours.
Which COURSE are you planning to enroll in or are already registered for? (ex. Nurse Aide, CDL, Pharmacy Technician)(required)
Use of Funds (check all that apply) (required) TuitionFeesBooksSuppliesCredentialing examsChildcareTransportation
1. Are you a resident of North Carolina? (required) YesNo
Residency Determination: Before submitting this application, you must complete a residency determination via and be determined to be a resident of North Carolina. Upon completing this step, you will be provided a Residency Certification Number (“RCN”), which must be provided below.
Residency Certification Number (“RCN”): (required)
2. Are you employed or intend to be employed in North Carolina? (required) YesNo
3. Are you receiving financial assistance through another program? (required) YesNo
4. Is anyone in your immediate family a Director, employee, or family member of an employee of the State Employee’s Credit Union or SECU Foundation? (required) YesNo
5. Have you or members of your immediate family worked for or owned a farming or agricultural-related business now or in the past? (required) YesNo
6. Have you or members of your immediate family been employed in traditional industries such as furniture, textiles, or tobacco manufacturing? (required) YesNo
7. Has anyone in your household lost their job or transitioned from full-time to part-time in the past 2 years?(required) YesNo
Check any that apply (required) Employed full timeUnemployedUnderemployed: individuals earning 200 percent below the federal poverty level (If you are qualifying under the criteria working and earn wages at or below 200 percent the federal poverty guidelines**)Military Veteran or spouse of VeteranMember of the North Carolina National GuardUnderserved populations: specific workforce sector or area
**Source: Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Size of Household
2024 200% of Poverty Guidelines
Select one response as it pertains to you, the student (required) Dependent studentIndependent student
Total number of people in your household including yourself (required)
Total household income from all sources for 2024 (required)
I agree to have my information stored so COA can process my application. (required)